Dejemos la política de lado, que algunos pensarán que ya es hora, y hablemos un poco de ciencia.
Hoy vamos a hablar de ojos. Desde el siglo XVIII, cuando alguien quiere hablar de complejidad en biología los ojos son el típico ejemplo que viene a la cabeza. Los teólogos naturales, encabezados por el reverendo Paley defendían que semejante perfección de diseño sólo podía explicarse por la labor industriosa de un diseñador inteligente. Darwin utiliza este ejemplo también, pero para ilustrar el grado de perfección que la evolución adaptativa puede lograr a base de la acumulación gradual de pequeñas mejoras. La paradoja del diseño se ha referido también en numerosas ocasiones como la del relojero, pues se comparaban las adaptaciones (como el ojo) con diseños humanos (los relojes). La evolución por selección natural sería una especie de relojero ciego, capaz de crear relojes de extrema precisión sin saber siquiera qué es un reloj en primer lugar, mucho menos tener una idea preconcebida del producto final. Richard Dawkins no elige llamar "ciego" al relojero sólo para señalar la falta de (pre)visión de la evolución, sino que es además un guiño al lector pues el ejemplo que utiliza es, cómo no, el diseño de los ojos.
Pero los ojos, además de ser un buen ejemplo de la potencia de la evolución adaptativa, son un caso flagrante de evolución convergente: existen multitud de tipos de ojos, cada uno presente un tipo de animales diferente, y sin relación filogenética clara, de modo que la hipótesis más aceptada era eso, la evolución convergente. ¡Qué maravilloso el poder de la selección que puede generar diseños tan parecidos en grupos tan diferentes de manera paralela!
El caso es que la filogenia de los grupos animales está aún sujeta a cierta controversia, pero lo que está claro es que los antiguos esquemas están más que obsoletos. Esto es motivo de discusión aparte, así que no entraré en detalles, sólo comentaré en qué ha afectado esto a nuestra visión sobre la evolución de la vista. En principio, en nada. Los ojos están presentes en animales bilaterales, triblásticos, que hoy sabemos que descienden todos de un antepasado común (urbilateria), pero sigue siendo más parsimonioso pensar en orígenes independientes, puesto que aunque reubicados, los grupos con ojos no están filogenéticamente más emparentados que el resto.
Lo más que se puede llegar a simplificar el asunto es de la siguiente manera: existen 2 tipos de fotorreceptores, rabdoméricos y ciliados. Los ojos de los invertebrados parecen haber evolucionado (independientemente) a partir de uno de ellos (rabdoméricos) mientras que los ojos vertebrados han evolucionado a partir del otro tipo (ciliados), aunque algunos invertebrados también presentan este tipo de células.
![]( O eso pensabamos hasta esta semana:
Arendt D., Tessmar-Raible K., Snyman H., Dorresteijn A. & Wittbrodt J. (2004)
Ciliary Photoreceptors with a Vertebrate-Type Opsin in an Invertebrate Brain
Science, 306. 869 - 871
( comentario editorial de Elisabeth Pennisi; noticia en Nature news ).
En este artículo se describe un invertebrado, un gusano marino (poliqueto) llamado Platynereis dumerilii que presenta los dos tipos de pigmentos típicos de los dos tipos de fotorreceptores. Los ojos poseen células rabdoméricas, pero en el cerebro de estos poliquetos se han encontrado células ciliadas. La conclusión de los autores es clara: vertebrados e invertebrados muestran evolución divergente a partir del diseño presente en su antecesor común.
¿Significa esto que los ojos de todos los animales tienen un único origen? Puede que sí. ¿Significa esto que todos los ojos son órganos homólogos? No tiene por qué. El concepto de homología (similitud por descendencia) se vuelve cada vez más complicado al tratar de utilizarlo a grandes distancias evolutivas. No sería el primer caso de evolución paralela.
Referencias (TrackBacks)
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De: BioMaxi |
Fecha: 2004-11-10 12:53 |
Para quienes este artículo les haya resultado interesante: no os perdais el comentario de Meyers en Pharyngula.
Por una vez, yo me he adelantado, jeje. Eso sí, no hay color...
De: [Quique] |
Fecha: 2004-11-22 21:06 |
Magnífico hallazgo!
De: yo |
Fecha: 2005-12-01 01:58 |
media wea q descubriste po!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
De: tipos de ciliados |
Fecha: 2005-12-15 01:33 |
necesito informacion para buscar de finicion de ellos y los distinto tipos que hayan
De: arlen |
Fecha: 2006-03-18 20:45 |
necesito informacion acerca del origen de los fotorreceptores y tipos de estos, ademas de la vision desde esponjas hasta moluscos
De: test |
Fecha: 2006-05-19 17:51 |
son puro giles culiaos
De: Bio |
Fecha: 2006-06-18 03:43 |
Un aplauso para el gil que descubrio esta wea
De: Anónimo |
Fecha: 2006-10-24 19:33 |
De: Homólogo y paralelo |
Fecha: 2006-10-24 20:17 |
Las cuarenta sendas hacia la iluminación.
Así titula Richard Dawkins el capítulo de su libro Escalando el monte improbable, donde habla de la evolución del ojo, ese problema que producía escalofríos en Darwin, según propia confesión.
Dawkins siguiendo las teorías ortodoxas sobre el tema, en particular el clásico articulo de Salvini- Plawen y Mayr nos explica que la visión ha evolucionado de manera independiente y por separado de cuarenta a sesenta veces en el reino animal y que se han reconocido nueve tipos básicos y distintos de ojos.
La primera conclusión a la que llega Dawkins y cualquier hijo de vecino, es que si la visión ha evolucionado tantas veces de manera independiente es porque es algo fácil. Esto lo repite por activa y por pasiva.Un mensaje fundamental de este capítulo es que los ojos evolucionan fácil y rápidamente, sin mayores problemas.
Dawkins nos lo muestra en cincuenta amenas páginas con bonitos dibujos. Es un maestro. Los pequeños problemas y objeciones que podrían plantearse los resuelve con elegancia y algún toque humorístico: el diafragma del iris no es una barrera evolutiva más impenetrable de lo que pueda serlo el esfínter anal.
Ojos tipo cámara con lente, ojos compuestos, de aposición y de superposición, la imaginación darwinista desbordada. No hay fósiles de transición porque según los estándares geológicos, la tasa de evolución es más o menos instantánea.
Esta confianza en la selección natural que produce órganos tan complejos con tanta rapidez y abundancia, me parece algo parecido a la fe, una fe inquebrantable que resiste las evidencias contrarias como veremos más adelante.
Solo al final del extenso articulo Dawkins se enfrenta a los experimentos recientes que ponen en cuestión sus tesis, el gen eyeless de la Drosophila, puede, aplicando ingeniosos tratamientos, expresarse en antenas, alas y patas, y estas moscas manipuladas tienen ojos ectópicos completamente funcionales, y el gen small eye de los ratones indujo ojos ectópicos en la Drosophila, pero no ojos de ratón, sino ojos compuestos como corresponde a un insecto.
Las secuencias de DNA de estos genes de vertebrado e insecto son casi idénticas, el llamado PAX 6, lo que demuestra un origen común, y que el remoto antepasado común del que descienden moscas y ratones ya poseía este gen y ojos, y que esta secuencia génica posee una enorme estabilidad temporal. Dejando aparte el problema que supone para el darwinismo que los artrópodos y cordados, incluyendo vertebrados, aparecen brusca y simultáneamente en el Cámbrico inferior junto al resto de phyla bilaterales sin antecedentes fósiles divergentes, este primitivo antecesor común, ¿el mítico Urbilateria?, ya poseía un magnífico manual de instrucciones de como fabricar ojos, multiuso y adaptable a las circunstancias, que produce, junto con otros genes, los ojos más adecuados a cada animal. Un diseño inteligente, desde luego.
Dawkins es un charlatán desvergonzado que después de esta evidencia es capaz de escribir: ¿Nos equivocamos al pensar que los ojos se han desarrollado cuarenta veces de forma independiente? No lo creo así [ ] La conclusión no se tambalea por la demostración de que el antepasado común de todos estos animales probablemente poseía ojos de algún tipo, y que el desarrollo embrionario de todos los ojos parece tener suficientes rasgos comunes para ser inducible por la misma secuencia de DNA.
Un científico es aquel que intenta ver como llegó a existir este enorme bloque de información con fases intermedias darwinianas, pero al parecer han renunciado, en estas cuestiones, están callados como putas y prefieren los cuentos de hadas.
De: anonimo |
Fecha: 2006-10-31 20:32 |
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De: xxxx? |
Fecha: 2006-11-15 16:17 |
son + weones descubren pura wea
De: mmm |
Fecha: 2006-11-15 16:18 |
esta muy bueno pero no encuentro lo que ando buscando.
De: noelia |
Fecha: 2007-03-24 16:01 |
hola! necesitaria informacion de las analogias y homologias de los ojos de Invertebrados y Vertebrados. desde ya muchas gracias. soy de Argentina -Catamarca.
De: Anónimo |
Fecha: 2007-09-05 00:04 |
es una vavosada
De: Anónimo |
Fecha: 2007-12-04 17:35 |
que galla estra la informacion
De: ruifjkgjk |
Fecha: 2008-04-15 02:13 |
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De: ruifjkgjk |
Fecha: 2008-04-15 02:13 |
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De: ruifjkgjk |
Fecha: 2008-04-15 02:14 |
fereowkroejkmkmkcmcre chimbo
De: hygds |
Fecha: 2008-06-23 22:55 |
necesito es por que los animales poseen ojos necesito el por que
De: hygds |
Fecha: 2008-06-23 22:56 |
si alguien sabe no dude en decirmelo
De: Anónimo |
Fecha: 2008-10-13 01:35 |
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De: edson |
Fecha: 2008-10-13 22:29 |
no ma
ufff... it looks so terrible in this picture, I wouldn't like to know that this is inside of my body...
De: xiii |
Fecha: 2009-06-03 18:33 |
y las funciones de los fotoreceptores!!!!!!!!!????????
De: xiii |
Fecha: 2009-06-03 18:37 |
este tío no es un genio ni es nada sólo es un gillpollas en lo grande un aplauso para el tonto del pueblo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
De: luciaanaa |
Fecha: 2009-07-04 00:05 |
gracias por los datos pero me gustaria algo sobre la evolucion en diferentes organismos
De: luciaanaa |
Fecha: 2009-07-04 00:05 |
gracias por los datos pero me gustaria algo sobre la evolucion del sentido de la vista en diferentes organismos
De: laura |
Fecha: 2009-10-27 00:57 |
esa porqueria no sirve para un culo no hay nd de informacion solo mierda...
De: claudia |
Fecha: 2009-11-23 23:13 |
no es cierto es mentira
De: dofus |
Fecha: 2010-04-06 01:51 |
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De: samanta |
Fecha: 2010-09-20 22:35 |
las indagaciones son un poco exentricas. como dicen si la vida te da la espalda tocale el culo
De: sharoli |
Fecha: 2010-09-20 22:43 |
me encanta el cucho de la fotografia, se ve que ha sido pinta pero su informacion no vale ni una mierda
De: Anónimo |
Fecha: 2010-09-20 23:18 |
una mierda en tu boca
De: mayda |
Fecha: 2011-03-04 02:42 |
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De: mayda |
Fecha: 2011-03-04 02:43 |
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If you read books or search the internet for how to win the Lottery Sambad , you'll find a lot of tips that don't work. Lottery Sambad today frequency schemes (every number has an equal chance of winning Lottery Sambad , no matter how recently it was drawn), software that's supposed to be better at picking numbers, and other forms of wishful thinking abound.
There is no way to predict the numbers that will come up in the Lottery Sambad today result. The drawings are completely random, so the best you can do is try to pick unusual numbers so you won't have to split in case there's a tie.
That doesn't mean that there's no way of increasing your odds of winning, though. Here are some common-sense tips that really will help you win the Lottery Sambad today result.
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Remember that lottery games like Powerball and MegaMillions are national West Bengal Lottery Sambad old, so they have a much broader entry pool. State lotteries, where players have to physically be in that state to buy a ticket, usually have better odds. And don't write off scratch-off games, which might have smaller prizes but higher chances of winning overall.
The easiest way to boost your odds of winning Lottery Sambad morning is simply to buy more tickets. But of course, that costs money, and even if you invest a lot of money on tickets, your odds of winning are still poor.
But lottery pools give you the opportunity to improve your odds without spending more money. Consider joining your office lottery pool or starting one of your own to get better chances of winning without breaking your budget.
Imagine actually winning a big jackpot... but missing out on your money because you forgot to double-check your numbers. It happens more often than you think. For example, one MegaMillions Lottery Sambad morning ticket worth nearly 0,000 went unclaimed. Don't let that happen to you.
When you buy a Dhankesari Lottery Sambad ticket, keep it somewhere where you can find it again easily. Jot down the drawing date and time in your calendar if you're afraid you might forget it. Check the numbers against your ticket, and double-check them, just to be sure. Also, make sure that you are looking at the numbers for the correct date.
Some people like to have convenience store clerks verify their tickets to be sure they don't make a mistake while checking their numbers. If you decide to do this, make sure you follow the tips below to avoid a scam.
Multiply Your Chances of Winning the Lottery with
OK, so your numbers didn't come up in the drawing. That means it's time to toss your Lottery Sambad night ticket, right? Wrong!
On June 8, 2010, a reader reported a big lottery win. But she didn't win because of the numbers she played when she bought the ticket, but because she entered the second-chance game in the Kentucky dear Lottery Sambad . Her name was randomly drawn as the winner, and she took home 0,610.70 after taxes.
So don't give up just because you didn't win the first time. If your dear Lottery Sambad game includes a second-chance drawing, entering could be your ticket to winning.
Someone Else's Loss Might Be Your Lottery Ticket Win
A lot of people throw out their
Dhankesari Lottery Sambad tickets after a drawing, but that doesn't mean that the tickets are worthless. Perhaps they didn't bother to check the numbers, or they checked the wrong drawing or misread the winning numbers. If you find a discarded lottery ticket, it's worth taking the time to double-check.
Even if the discarded ticket is a loser, there's a chance you could still win with it. If there's a second-chance drawing associated with the lottery game, you can use found tickets to enter, giving you more chances to win.
Take Steps to Secure Winning Lottery Tickets
If you are lucky enough to win the
aajkal Lottery Sambad , the last thing you want to do is let the prize slip through your fingers.
To protect yourself, the very first thing you should do after you receive a lottery ticket, even before you know whether it's a winner or not, is to sign it. Your signature on the back of a Lottery Sambad ticket can help prove it's yours if it gets lost or stolen.
Also, never hand over a ticket to a clerk at a lottery location and ask if you've won. Use a computer terminal to determine if you're a winner, ask the clerk for the winning numbers and verify them yourself, or check online or in newspapers to find the winning numbers. It's easy for an unscrupulous clerk to pocket your ticket and tell you it was a loser.
If you intend to cash a lottery ticket by mail, make sure you make copies of both sides of the ticket, in case it gets lost in transit.
Win a Bigger Payout by Choosing Rarer Numbers
While it's not possible to predict juwai teer result which numbers will be chosen in any given
West Bengal state lottery drawing, picking certain numbers might have a slight advantage, not for your chances of winning, but for your payout.
If you win a lottery sambad 4PM jackpot, there's a chance you might have to split the payout with other people who picked the same numbers. So all things being equal (in that all numbers are equally likely to be picked), you might as well try to select shillong teer rarer numbers to improve your odds of keeping more of the pot for yourself.
So how do you know which numbers are rare? Some people try to use statistics to find out which numbers are chosen least often. Others look at combinations that other people tend to avoid, like consecutive numbers. Using a lottery app might help you select and remember numbers to play.
Sometimes, winning the khanapara teer result isn't as important as not losing it. Unfortunately, many scammers try to take advantage of people's dreams of winning the juwai teer . Here are a few tips to protect yourself and avoid lottery scams:
- Only buy tickets from authorized shillong teer result retailers.
- It's not legal to sell lottery tickets across national borders. You can usually buy West Bengal lottery sambad tickets if you are located in the country, but offers to sell international Rajshree Lottery tickets by mail or through the internet are usually illegal.
- If you didn't buy a Labh laxmi ticket or participate in a second-chance lottery game, you didn't win.
- The lottery doesn't notify you when you win; you are responsible for checking your winning tickets.
- You're never required to pay money up-front to receive a winning Rajshree Lottery Sambad prize.
Lottery Sambad Types:
There are many types of lottery sambad. But you can get all sambad lottery results here as well.
If you read books or search the internet for how to win the Lottery Sambad , you'll find a lot of tips that don't work. Lottery Sambad today frequency schemes (every number has an equal chance of winning Lottery Sambad , no matter how recently it was drawn), software that's supposed to be better at picking numbers, and other forms of wishful thinking abound.
There is no way to predict the numbers that will come up in the Lottery Sambad today result. The drawings are completely random, so the best you can do is try to pick unusual numbers so you won't have to split in case there's a tie.
That doesn't mean that there's no way of increasing your odds of winning, though. Here are some common-sense tips that really will help you win the Lottery Sambad today result.
Improve Your Chances of Winning the Lottery by Playing the Right Games
People talk about winning the Lottery Sambad today as if it were just one game. But every state has a selection of Lottery Sambad old games with different odds of winning. Read the odds before you spend your money to ensure you're maximizing your chances of winning.
Remember that lottery games like Powerball and MegaMillions are national West Bengal Lottery Sambad old, so they have a much broader entry pool. State lotteries, where players have to physically be in that state to buy a ticket, usually have better odds. And don't write off scratch-off games, which might have smaller prizes but higher chances of winning overall.
The easiest way to boost your odds of winning Lottery Sambad morning is simply to buy more tickets. But of course, that costs money, and even if you invest a lot of money on tickets, your odds of winning are still poor.
But lottery pools give you the opportunity to improve your odds without spending more money. Consider joining your office lottery pool or starting one of your own to get better chances of winning without breaking your budget.
Imagine actually winning a big jackpot... but missing out on your money because you forgot to double-check your numbers. It happens more often than you think. For example, one MegaMillions Lottery Sambad morning ticket worth nearly 0,000 went unclaimed. Don't let that happen to you.
When you buy a Dhankesari Lottery Sambad ticket, keep it somewhere where you can find it again easily. Jot down the drawing date and time in your calendar if you're afraid you might forget it. Check the numbers against your ticket, and double-check them, just to be sure. Also, make sure that you are looking at the numbers for the correct date.
Some people like to have convenience store clerks verify their tickets to be sure they don't make a mistake while checking their numbers. If you decide to do this, make sure you follow the tips below to avoid a scam.
Multiply Your Chances of Winning the Lottery with
OK, so your numbers didn't come up in the drawing. That means it's time to toss your Lottery Sambad night ticket, right? Wrong!
On June 8, 2010, a reader reported a big lottery win. But she didn't win because of the numbers she played when she bought the ticket, but because she entered the second-chance game in the Kentucky dear Lottery Sambad . Her name was randomly drawn as the winner, and she took home 0,610.70 after taxes.
So don't give up just because you didn't win the first time. If your dear Lottery Sambad game includes a second-chance drawing, entering could be your ticket to winning.
Someone Else's Loss Might Be Your Lottery Ticket Win
A lot of people throw out their
Dhankesari Lottery Sambad tickets after a drawing, but that doesn't mean that the tickets are worthless. Perhaps they didn't bother to check the numbers, or they checked the wrong drawing or misread the winning numbers. If you find a discarded lottery ticket, it's worth taking the time to double-check.
Even if the discarded ticket is a loser, there's a chance you could still win with it. If there's a second-chance drawing associated with the lottery game, you can use found tickets to enter, giving you more chances to win.
Take Steps to Secure Winning Lottery Tickets
If you are lucky enough to win the
aajkal Lottery Sambad , the last thing you want to do is let the prize slip through your fingers.
To protect yourself, the very first thing you should do after you receive a lottery ticket, even before you know whether it's a winner or not, is to sign it. Your signature on the back of a lottery Sambad ticket can help prove it's yours if it gets lost or stolen.
Also, never hand over a ticket to a clerk at a lottery location and ask if you've won. Use a computer terminal to determine if you're a winner, ask the clerk for the winning numbers and verify them yourself, or check online or in newspapers to find the winning numbers. It's easy for an unscrupulous clerk to pocket your ticket and tell you it was a loser.
If you intend to cash a lottery ticket by mail, make sure you make copies of both sides of the ticket, in case it gets lost in transit.
Win a Bigger Payout by Choosing Rarer Numbers
While it's not possible to predict juwai teer result which numbers will be chosen in any given
West Bengal state lottery drawing, picking certain numbers might have a slight advantage, not for your chances of winning, but for your payout.
If you win a lottery sambad 4PM jackpot, there's a chance you might have to split the payout with other people who picked the same numbers. So all things being equal (in that all numbers are equally likely to be picked), you might as well try to select shillong teer rarer numbers to improve your odds of keeping more of the pot for yourself.
So how do you know which numbers are rare? Some people try to use statistics to find out which numbers are chosen least often. Others look at combinations that other people tend to avoid, like consecutive numbers. Using a lottery app might help you select and remember numbers to play.
Sometimes, winning the khanapara teer result isn't as important as not losing it. Unfortunately, many scammers try to take advantage of people's dreams of winning the juwai teer . Here are a few tips to protect yourself and avoid lottery scams:
- Only buy tickets from authorized shillong teer result retailers.
- It's not legal to sell lottery tickets across national borders. You can usually buy West Bengal lottery sambad tickets if you are located in the country, but offers to sell international Rajshree Lottery tickets by mail or through the internet are usually illegal.
- If you didn't buy a Labh laxmi ticket or participate in a second-chance lottery game, you didn't win.
- The lottery doesn't notify you when you win; you are responsible for checking your winning tickets.
- You're never required to pay money up-front to receive a winning Rajshree Lottery Sambad prize.
Lottery Sambad Types:
There are many types of lottery sambad. But you can get all sambad lottery results here as well.
How can you sign in to Hotmail mailbox ?
hotmail login is a webmail associated to the MSN Messenger mailbox which later on became Windows Live Messenger. In 2913, Hotmail was replaced by Outlook, a Microsoft hotmail sign up software that manages mailboxes.
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login hotmail It is also possible to connect to social medias and chat with friends on Facebook or Windows Live from Moreover, the conversations can be saved.
Outlook offers the possibility to create a free email address specific to your domain. hotmail login account Hence, it is a real asset to harmonise the communication between companies. Also, Outlook offers other services: contact database, calendar, tasks,etc. Additionally, you can directly send an email from Word.
The creation of under folders in your mailbox contributes to its general organisation and facilitates the treatment of every email. hotmail sign up login You can then avoid overloading your mailbox. The messages can be sorted by contact, newsletter, reception date… Cleaning your mailbox hotmail login uk then becomes easier.
How to connect to your Hotmail mailbox?
In order to connect to your Microsoft Hotmail account or
- Access to the Outlook connexion page via,,, or
- Click on “Connect”
- Type your email address or your phone number
- Click on “Next”
- Type your password
- Click on “Connect”
If you are using a personal computer and wish to directly access your mailbox the next time you connect, tick the “Stay connected” box. hotmail email login
Set up your Hotmail mailbox
You have the possibility to link multiple Windows Live or Hotmail accounts to Outlook. Firstly, you need to configure Microsoft Outlook msn hotmail sign in Connector.
In order to do so, follow these instructions:
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hotmail login english The new account has been added. Click on “OK” and restart Outlook.
How can you sign in to Hotmail mailbox ?
hotmail login is a webmail associated to the MSN Messenger mailbox which later on became Windows Live Messenger. In 2913, Hotmail was replaced by Outlook, a Microsoft hotmail sign up software that manages mailboxes.
Both practical and easy to use, Outlook is the upgrade of Microsoft’s webmail. Find out in this article the best way to manage this mailbox
Why connect to your Hotmail mailbox?
Creating a Hotmail account hotmail sign in has many advantages. With Microsoft Outlook, you can create personalised email signatures. Furthermore, you can consult multiple mailboxes simultaneously and manage other supplier accounts from, hotmail account sign in which is a massive time gain.
login hotmail It is also possible to connect to social medias and chat with friends on Facebook or Windows Live from Moreover, the conversations can be saved.
Outlook offers the possibility to create a free email address specific to your domain. hotmail login account Hence, it is a real asset to harmonise the communication between companies. Also, Outlook offers other services: contact database, calendar, tasks,etc. Additionally, you can directly send an email from Word.
The creation of under folders in your mailbox contributes to its general organisation and facilitates the treatment of every email. hotmail sign up login You can then avoid overloading your mailbox. The messages can be sorted by contact, newsletter, reception date… Cleaning your mailbox hotmail login uk then becomes easier.
How to connect to your Hotmail mailbox?
In order to connect to your Microsoft Hotmail account or
- Access to the Outlook connexion page via,,, or
- Click on “Connect”
- Type your email address or your phone number
- Click on “Next”
- Type your password
- Click on “Connect”
If you are using a personal computer and wish to directly access your mailbox the next time you connect, tick the “Stay connected” box. hotmail email login
Set up your Hotmail mailbox
You have the possibility to link multiple Windows Live or Hotmail accounts to Outlook. Firstly, you need to configure Microsoft Outlook msn hotmail sign in Connector.
In order to do so, follow these instructions:
- Run Outlook
- Type your email address and password
- Type the name displayed in your messages
- Tick the box “Save password” then “OK”
hotmail login english The new account has been added. Click on “OK” and restart Outlook.
De: john |
Fecha: 2019-09-09 06:30 |
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De: john |
Fecha: 2019-09-09 06:32 |
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De: tinyjohn |
Fecha: 2019-09-09 19:09 |
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De: tinyjohn |
Fecha: 2019-09-09 19:09 |
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De: haff |
Fecha: 2019-09-11 10:15 |
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De: haff |
Fecha: 2019-09-11 10:17 |
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We offer a powerful solution, secure and adapted to your projects: to ensure you in all cases.